Recorded April 1971 by Ralph and Jane Ayers. Other names listed came from newspaper obituaries, funeral home records and City of Cedartown burial records.
Directions: Hwy 278, Cedartown across the highway and just past Cedartown High School.
GPS: 34.01380, -85.22530
Click on the appropriate letter for surnames:
A | Ba | Be | Bo |
Brow | Ca | Ch | Coo |
Da | Di | E | F |
Ga | Gr | Ha | Hi |
Hop | I | J | K |
La | Lem | Ma | Mc |
Mi | N – O | Pa | Pl |
Q-R | Sa | Si | So |
T | U – V | Wa | Wi |
Wo | Y – Z |
Please Contact us if you know of a name(s) we need to add.