Young’s Grove Unidentified Cemetery – 048

Recorded 1979 by Ralph and Jane Ayers. Surveyed 2004 by Hoyt Jones and Michael Robbins, PCCPC Volunteers. Updated and photographed by Jason Thompson, PCCPC Volunteer.

Directions:  From Cedartown take Hwy 27 south to by-pass.  Turn left onto by-pass.  Go over Railroad tracks and turn right at first road.  This will be Cason Road.  It will become Antioch Road.  Go about 5 miles.  Look to the left on a hill and you will see a clump of trees.  This is the cemetery.  It is best to go across the field off Wooten Road to the cemetery.

GPS: 33.95416, -85.21922

John Palmore


Palmore, Johnone date14 May 1922Queen Ester’s Chamber, Rome, Ga.; add'l
Uninscribed MarkerField stone
Uninscribed MarkerField stone
Uninscribed MarkerField stone
Uninscribed MarkerFoot stone marker
Uninscribed MarkerFoot stone marker
Uninscribed MarkerField stone
Uninscribed MarkerField stones
Uninscribed MarkerField stone

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